Vaginal Prolapse
Our Vaginal Atrophy and Holistic Vitality Solutions
Vaginal Vault Prolapse
Vaginal prolapse is also called vaginal vault prolapse and vaginal wall prolapse. At Sovereign Female, we regularly treat women experiencing uncomfortable and embarrassing symptoms of this condition. And we do it without surgery or a lengthy recovery. If you’ve been told that you have vaginal prolapse, or if you want an experienced, empathetic assessment, we’re here to help you.
This sensitive issue affects high numbers of young women who often suffer in silence because they feel that their treatment options are unappealing or nonexistent. Research suggests that up to 1/3 of women may have some degree of prolapse, especially if they’ve carried multiple pregnancies.
Do you know that obesity, constipation, age, and pregnancies can increase your chances of experiencing vaginal prolapse? This condition often goes hand in hand with other problems like stress urinary incontinence and vaginal laxity.
Sovereign Female is a multidisciplinary wellness and cosmetic clinic located in the heart of Toronto. We specialize in women’s wellness and healthcare. We know that sometimes patients are informed that their only choices to treat prolapse and vaginal wall laxity are surgery, Kegel exercises, or no treatment at all.
At Sovereign, women have natural and effective options. If you’re ready to learn about non-invasive solutions for vaginal rejuvenation, our specialists are happy to meet with you.
What Is Vaginal Prolapse?
A woman’s reproductive organs and supporting structures may weaken due to stretched and thinning tissue combined with internal pressure. The vaginal walls and ligaments that support internal organs in the pelvic region can lose elasticity and strength over time.
Tissue damage, pressure, and related problems such as constipation may occur during childbirth. There are several specific types of prolapse. We’ll outline some of them here.
– Posterior vaginal prolapse can be referred to as enterocele (involving the small intestine and peritoneum) or rectocele (involving the rectum). Enterocele vaginal prolapse typically causes a feeling of pelvic pressure or fullness. The thin tissue wall between a vagina and rectum can become thin and stretched, which allows the rectum to move forward into the vaginal space. It may also protrude. The recommended treatment is often conservative, consisting of Kegels (pelvic floor exercises), pessaries (silicone support devices), and observation.
– Anterior vaginal prolapse is called cystocele. This type of prolapse often accompanies urethrocele, which is termed cystourethrocele. Cystocele develops when pubo-cervical vesical fascia (tissue deep within the vagina, surrounding the cervix) weakens. The apex of the vagina supports the peritoneum and the small bowel, so these tissues can descend into the vaginal space. The bladder may also shift downward, adding pressure, which leads to stress urinary incontinence (SUI) symptoms.
Vaginal prolapse risk factors include:
- obesity
- age
- constipation
- vaginal childbirth
Recognizing Symptoms of Vaginal Wall Prolapse
On a scale of 1 to 4, vaginal prolapse can be graded from severe, showing a noticeable protrusion of the vaginal tissue or cervix, to mild cases that may present no symptoms.
Women usually report a sensation of vaginal or pelvic fullness and pressure at the vaginal opening when organs are occupying the vaginal space. These sensations may be most noticeable when they strain or cough. Urinary incontinence may also occur when coughing, sneezing, or laughing.
In many cases, women don’t notice their prolapse until collagen and muscle strength diminish with age.
Enteroceles can cause lower back pain. Rectoceles might lead to constipation and difficulty completing bowel movements.
Sometimes women realize that they have a vaginal prolapse when tampon insertion becomes difficult or sexual intercourse becomes painful.
If you notice any of these symptoms and want help understanding the changes in your body, our caring gynecology and urology specialists will be happy to see you for a confidential consultation.
At Sovereign Female, you can count on a welcoming atmosphere. You’ll never be rushed or have your concerns dismissed. Our female medical staff treat the complex nature of these conditions with sensitivity and understanding.
Non-Surgical Treatment of Vaginal Prolapse
Vaginal prolapse can be treated surgically in severe cases. However, many of our patients and their doctors are interested in natural methods to reduce prolapse symptoms.
Pessary devices made from silicone are available in various designs to provide support inside the vagina. Pelvic floor exercises such as Kegels use the controlled flexing of perineal muscles to strengthen the tissue holding the rectum, bladder, and uterus in place. Pelvic floor exercises may also help with SUI when done correctly and consistently.
Thanks to medical technology advances, today these aren’t your only solutions for treating vaginal laxity or prolapse. Sovereign is pleased to offer painless, non-surgical laser therapy, which works to tone and improve vaginal tissue vitality. IntimaLase by Fotona can tighten vaginal tissue, which improves the symptoms of vaginal prolapse. It quickly and painlessly contracts existing collagen fibres in the vaginal mucosa while stimulating collagenesis to rejuvenate vaginal walls.
IntimaLase is non-invasive, which means that no scalpels or scars are involved. Compared with other powerful lasers, it’s non-ablative. That means that IntimaLase doesn’t remove a thin layer of skin to trigger tissue thickening, and it doesn’t harm the skin.
IntimaLase vaginal prolapse treatment can be completed conveniently and discreetly. That means no one but you will know that you’ve had the treatment.
How Is Vaginal Prolapse Diagnosed?
Your Sovereign Female practitioner will discuss your medical history and provide an exam to assess your vagina and the surrounding structures. Depending on your unique needs, additional testing or information about previous medical care might be requested. The degree of your vaginal laxity, SUI, or prolapse will be discussed with you before treatment recommendations are made.
We love that IntimaLase is safe for all skin types. This powerful yet gentle laser is non-invasive, so most women can safely enjoy its benefits.
Why Choose IntimaLase at Sovereign Female?
IntimaLase is a non-surgical vaginal prolapse treatment option for women who want to tighten, tone, and restore their vaginal tissue. It’s pain-free, scar-free, drug-free, and fast.
The IntimaLase device uses a small hand-held applicator wand that is gently inserted to deliver thermal laser energy to vaginal tissue. The heat energy is directed specifically to targeted dermal layers under the surface, which immediately tightens collagen fibres and stimulates new collagenesis and blood flow. Carefully measured heat pulses trigger your natural restorative processes to firm and strengthen tissue over the weeks following your treatment. The vaginal opening, vulva, and internal walls experience improved tone while lubrication and blood flow to the region also improve.
For most people, 1 or 2 treatments will be advised, depending on their individual goals. Many of our clients seek treatment guidance at Sovereign for issues such as urinary incontinence, but they are pleased to learn that IntimaLase targets multiple issues and areas for improvement. It has been shown to dramatically reduce instances of SUI, but it also delivers surprising benefits for our patients’ sex lives! IntimaLase patients report significant improvement in vaginal wall tone, heightened sexual sensation, increased lubrication, and more.
Each laser vaginal prolapse session takes roughly 20 minutes. Though the regenerative effects will continue for several weeks after you leave our clinic, many people say they can feel a difference almost immediately.
After treatment, you can resume regular daily activities, aside from sexual intercourse and tampon insertion for a short time.
According to Fotona, IntimaLase boasts a 97% patient satisfaction rate.
Schedule your Consultation for Vaginal Prolapse at Sovereign Female
We’re an expansive Toronto cosmetic and laser clinic with an intimate, VIP atmosphere. Sovereign focuses on full-service aesthetic, cosmetic surgery and wellness therapies that are personalized for each patient. We offer extensive medical expertise with specialists in women’s health.
The holistic Sovereign Female approach includes hormone analysis, IV vitamin drips, vaginal rejuvenation, and cosmetic injections. We offer private, detailed consultations and professional guidance to help you feel your best.
Quality – Aesthetics – Professionalism
If you would like to learn more about what this incredible team of beauty advisors and medical professionals can offer you, please contact Sovereign Female today to start your journey towards the very best that Canada has to offer!